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Category Archives: Uncategorized

‘Firenado’ forms in Idaho

‘Firenado’ forms in Idaho

A fire whirl developed near Boise, Idaho, and could potentially cause large-scale damage in the region. CNN’s Pedram Javaheri has more.MORE

Georgia Tech QB Justin Thomas’ Top 5 Plays | ACC Now

The ACCDN showcases the dynamic skill set of Georgia Tech Quarterback Justin Thomas in this ACC Now. Whether by air or by land Thomas moves the Jackets’ offense with a flair for the dramatic. Check out his top 5 plays from last season as he surely plans to continue his assault on the ACC in…MORE

Whoops! Dump truck takes out sign

Whoops! Dump truck takes out sign

Dump truck driving in the up position slams overhead sign. CNN’s Jeanne Moos says it’s far from the first time that’s happened.MORE

Royal Navy tests advanced nuclear sub

Royal Navy tests advanced nuclear sub

The HMS Artful started sea trials on August 13. The sub is the third of seven new nuclear attack submarines in production for the UK Royal Navy.MORE

Jets zip past Chicago at 350 mph

Jets zip past Chicago at 350 mph

The Breitling Jet Team is the world’s largest professional civilian flight team performing on jets. Watch as they perform at the Chicago Air & Water Show.MORE

Female army rangers earned huge respect

Female army rangers earned huge respect

Retired U.S. Army helicopter pilot Amber Smith says that two female Army Rangers earned respect from their male colleagues by displaying tremendous physical and mental strength.MORE

The science behind El Niño

The science behind El Niño

What exactly is El Niño? CNN’s Jennifer Gray explains this weather phenomenon that happens between the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere.MORE

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